Commands within the client

Commands within the client


antony provides a general way to display commands to out clients. This might be within a ribbonbar, contextmenu or f.e. toolbar. Every provided ExtensionPoint which provides an command deviates from an IAntonyCommand. This contains some general Information to get the command displayed.


As the main part of this interface you need to provide an AntonyCommandInfo object holding the essential presentation information. This includes the displayName of your action, Group- and Pagename and an icon. To create this class we recommend to use the AntonyCommandInfoBuilder with comes with the https://www.nuget.org/packages/antony.Groupware.ExtensionInterfaces.

This build is used as a builder is used. The code snippet shows an example

public AntonyCommandInfo ActionInfo => new AntonyCommandInfoBuilder() .WithDisplayName("My static or dynamic displayname"") .WithGeneralPageName() .WithGroupName("My RibbonBar Groupname (if provided)") .WithSvgImage(Resources.my_image_as_svg) .Build();


antony passes an IProgressReporter to report progress to. It is a mix of creating a protocol and logging. If you use the “Report…” Methods this will be displayed to the AntUser. If you use the “Log…” methods this will only write into the log files.

These interface is only implemented in the AntonyHub. The AntonyGroupware Commands will get a Reporter which reports to log file.


Its not difficult to add a command to antony. As we use the same classes within alle commands, it should be easy to reuse them.


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