Powershell - .EML Dateien per SMTP Weiterleiten

Powershell - .EML Dateien per SMTP Weiterleiten

antony kann über den “Sicherungspfad” eingehende E-Mails als .EML Datei im Dateisystem speichern. Mit diesen Script ist es möglich (z.B. über die Aufgabenplanung) diese Mails dann an andere E-Mailadressen zu schicken.

function Load-NugetAssembly { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$url, [string]$name, [string]$zipinternalpath, [switch]$downloadonly ) if($psscriptroot -ne ''){ $localpath = join-path $psscriptroot $name }else{ $localpath = join-path $env:TEMP $name } $tmp = "$env:TEMP\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $zip = $null try{ if(!(Test-Path $localpath)){ Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem write-host "Downloading and extracting required library '$name' ... " -F Green -NoNewline (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $tmp) $zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($tmp) $zip.Entries | ?{$_.Fullname -eq $zipinternalpath} | %{ [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($_,$localpath) } Unblock-File -Path $localpath write-host "OK" -F Green } if(!$downloadonly.IsPresent){ Add-Type -Path $localpath -EA Stop } }catch{ write-host ($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions | fl | out-string) throw "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" }finally{ if ($zip){$zip.Dispose()} if(Test-Path $tmp){del $tmp -Force} } } # load required assemblies if not already loaded if (!('MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient' -as [type])){ Load-NugetAssembly 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Portable.BouncyCastle/1.8.8' -name 'BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll' -zipinternalpath 'lib/net40/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll' -EA Stop Load-NugetAssembly 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/System.Buffers/4.5.1' -name 'System.Buffers.dll' -zipinternalpath 'lib/net461/System.Buffers.dll' -EA Stop Load-NugetAssembly 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/MimeKit/2.10.1' -name 'MimeKit.dll' -zipinternalpath 'lib/net45/MimeKit.dll' -EA Stop Load-NugetAssembly 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/MailKit/2.10.1' -name 'MailKit.dll' -zipinternalpath 'lib/net45/MailKit.dll' -EA Stop } # folder with eml files $folder = "C:\antonyEmlExport\postfach" $options = $null; $smtp = $null try{ $options = New-Object MimeKit.ParserOptions $smtp = New-Object MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient $smtp.SslProtocols = 'Tls11','Tls12','Tls13' $smtp.Connect("**SMTPSERVER**",25,$false) $smtp.Authenticate("**benutzername**",'**geheim**') }catch{ Write-Error -Message $_.Exception.Message return } # for each *.eml in folder foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $folder -File -Filter *.eml){ try{ write-host "Sending mail '$($file.Fullname)' ... " -F Green -NoNewline $msg = [MimeKit.MimeMessage]::Load($options,$file.Fullname) # (optional) to add additional recipients (CC/BCC/TO) to the mails you can use the following scheme (uncomment and change recipient) # $msg.BCC.Add('user@domain.tld') # $msg.CC.Add('user@domain.tld') # $msg.TO.Add('user@domain.tld') $msg.TO.clear() $msg.TO.Add('neuer@meinedomaene.de') # send message $smtp.Send($msg) write-host "OK" -F Green Remove-Item -Path $file.Fullname }catch{ Write-Error -Message "Error loading or sending message: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } # cleanup if ($smtp){ $smtp.Disconnect($true) $smtp.Dispose() }


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